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ITplus CMS ver. 3 now ONLINE :: New Hosting Packages from 15 may-2014 Best Servers New Hosting Packages from 15 Sep2011 Best Servers with best Prices :: IT plus Group Became an Authorized Reseeler of Kaspersky :: Now::: www.Alsaha1.net , the biggest arabic online forum , with 10000 visits daily :: Now::: New Born Kids Stores Online ::

NO Setup Fees

 Free Domain Name

Reseller Linux Hosting Start from
  • 3 GB Spaece
  • 100 GB Bandwidth
  • 1000 Web User
  • Plesk 10 or WHM panel
"19.99 $" / month Order NOW

There are windows reseller hosting offer

Shared Linux Hosting Start from
  • 200 MB Space
  • 2 GB Bandwidth
  • 20 Mail Boxs 
  • Plesk 10 or CPanel11
    "1.99 $" / month  Order NOW

There are windows shared hosting offer


 Web Hosting 

 ITplusARAB offers the best hosting solutions over the world. Our main servers work with Intel 64 Bit Xeon or Opeteron AMDwith best performance in Database operation , e-commerce web sites and dynamic forums. Also our solutions contains Plesk 8.2 & C-Panel 11 control panels

Click here for Reseller Linux



 Web Design

The design for any web site is the first thing which gives you the idea if the web site is professional of not ..
ITplusARAB offers many solutions in web design , so you can choose the design from our templates which we have many styles of them covering most of business area or we can create new design from scratch which matching what inside your mind including animated banners , flash intro & attractive colors


NOW ::: ITplus Group became Authorized Reseller of  KASPERSKY Lab in Egypt & Midle East for more details , click here


To improve your sales target & open new markets , you have to get new clients and that only can be easy if you enter online market which you will ffind huge number of clients , easy to get them as your clients if you have strong business
ITplus ARAB offers many E-Commerce solutions



 Network Solutions

Communication Infrastructure is most important thing for any successful company , as when you have good communication system all managers and staff can do best & their decisions will be faster to improve the quality of services or products you offer
ITplusARAB has enough experience to offer the best network solutions which you can depend on them to make reliable links between company branches and make all your data secured and accessible only within your domain


 3D Animation

ITplus  is considered a Middle East  leader and true innovator in complete 3D architectural rendered , 3D digital media , Virtual Reality Presentations and visualization for architectural design . Since the early 2000s we have blended 3D, video, special effects, DVD and the internet to create not just a 3D architectural rendering, illustration, visualization or simple fly through but complete, inspirational sales tools. We're geared for high quality, detailed presentation work that is finished like no other.



 E-Payment Methods

We try to make the best to make the process of payment so easy , that’s why we have the most online payment gateways. Also secured links available in all types of payment using credit cards

ITplusARAB using ( CashU cards , wire transfer , postal money transfer , paypal , Egiold and all type of Credit cards using 2CO gateway


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Internet marketing is the process of promoting an organization using online media, typically with the goals of increasing sales and boosting profits. For more about Online Marketing Press Here

what about site in new design?

               [1312 Votes (75.7%)]
excellent - 1312 Votes (75.7%)

very good
               [32 Votes (1.8%)]
very good - 32 Votes (1.8%)

               [19 Votes (1.1%)]
good - 19 Votes (1.1%)

               [13 Votes (0.7%)]
normal - 13 Votes (0.7%)

               [310 Votes (17.9%)]
poor - 310 Votes (17.9%)
1734 Votes
The Team is really amazing

After co-operation with ITplusARAB company we discover how much the team is perfect , their customers support is very attractive & all the time they want the best

Some of our Clients



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